
Job Description

Postdoctoral Positions in Epigenetics
- Children's Health Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada

Description: We are looking for dynamic and highly motivated postdoctoral fellows for three funded positions.

  1. Dr. Mellissa Mann ([email protected])

    Identification and evolutionary comparison of imprinting centres

  2. Dr. Nathalie Berube ([email protected])

    Regulation of chromatin structure and function in brain and bone development

  3. Dr. Christopher Pin ([email protected]) and Dr. David Rodenhiser, PhD ([email protected])

    Epigenetic regulation during pancreatic differentiation and regeneration

Successful candidates will join the EpiGenWestern team based within the Children’s Health Research Institute and affiliated with the University of Western Ontario. EpiGenWestern is a dynamic, collaborative research team that aims to understand the contribution of epigenetics and chromatin remodeling to fundamental molecular mechanisms involved in development, childhood diseases, and cancer.

Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D., and less than three years of postdoctoral experience in molecular biology, cellular biology, biochemistry, genetics, developmental biology, cancer biology, or a related field. Advanced knowledge of chromatin, epigenetics, and bioinformatics is highly desirable. Qualified candidates must also have a record of scientific achievements as evidenced by first author publications in well-recognized, peer-reviewed journals.

Salary Details: Salary award is $40 000 per annum for 2 years.

Application Details: Candidates interested in these positions should send a full CV, list of publications, and names of three referees.

General information can be obtained by contacted Sandra Augustine via the link below.

Institutional Logo

Contact: Sandra Augustine

More Information: EpiGenWestern website

Closing Date: Check with institute

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